He's generally kept himself quietly occupied with some great new activity books, and loves his recently gifted "Q" shirt.
Quinn gave me a great scare around midnight last night when he woke up in a cold sweat with a low temperature. The nurses assured me that he appeared normal otherwise, but naturally I worried for hours until his morning blood tests were run. He continues to hold normal ammonia and glucose levels, and all other liver values are either normal or continuing to trend towards normal. He'll have many follow-ups in the weeks ahead to make sure he continues to improve, but all signs continue to point towards complete healing.
As a good-bye present from the child life specialist, Quinn was given his own medical kit today, including a real stethoscope. She encourages medical play so that he won't be fearful during future visits. At one point earlier in the week Quinn had to have an hourly glucose test. The evening nurse said that, by the end of her shift, when she waked into the room Quinn would raise his finger and hand it to her to be pricked. It was so sweet and sad at the same time.
Quinn felt up to a little dancing today, and starting boogying once we put on the CD of music from his classroom. It contains one favorite song selected by each family.
On the way home Quinn seemed absolutely overjoyed. He snuggled in for the short ride ride with my cozy sweater. At home, Quinn was quite amenable to being changed into his comfy footed pjs that he hasn't seen in two weeks, and eagerly headed to play.
Tonight, we duplicated the celebratory thai dinner we had the night Quinn came home from the hospital in 2011. It was July 21st, which also happens to be my birthday. At the time I couldn't have wished for a better birthday present, and now of course we couldn't have a better holiday present than a healthy baby boy home with us once again.
You have all been a tremendous part of Quinn's healing, through your words and thoughts of hope, help, and support; your kind gifts and nourishment; your visits and offers of time with Everett; and your love. Thank you so very, very much for surrounding us with such a large global hug - it certainly gave us incredible strength to get through a horrific time. Wishing you and your family the very best during the holidays and year ahead. Much love and thanks to you all.
David sent me the link to the blog - so glad to hear Quinn is doing better. Love and light to him and your family and best wishes for the new year.